4 Tips That Helped Me Gained My Leadership Experience As an Engineer

Edward Huang
3 min readFeb 14, 2024
DALL-E on how gorwth helped engineer speed up their promotion process

My mentor told me one thing.

“Technical ability can only get you into the company. Domain knowledge is what gets you up the chain in the company.”

Domain knowledge is the key to gaining leadership.

It means that you need to understand not only the technical aspects of your work but also how it fits into the bigger picture. Essentially, you are not just a code monkey but also an impactful engineer.

Understand Why Your Team Exist

Familiarize yourself with how your company operates.

If you are in payments, understand how are payments impacting your overall business. If you are working on an internal dashboard, understand why that internal dashboard exists in the first place.

Knowing the history of your team and your company helps you see the bigger picture and started to see opportunity that can impact your company.

Exploring your Codebase

Don’t start writing that code.

Developer loves to write and write and write, just like people love to talk and talk and talk.

But in fact, reading code and understand each and every part of the code can help…

